
  • 2016年5月2日
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In 1976, a selection of Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon from California were put up for comparison against their well-established French counterparts. The expectation, of course, was that the French wines would easily win the competition. The sensation that was made when California’s offerings easily trounced the competition sent shockwaves throughout the wine industry, 并永远地改变了这个行业(在这个过程中惹恼了不少人). 今年是臭名昭著的巴黎品酒会举办40周年. 为了纪念这次改变了葡萄酒世界的品尝, 我们收集了40个关于这一事件的有趣事实.


The Paris Tasting (which would come to be known as the Judgment of Paris) was held with the expectation that French wines were superior to New World (i.e. 美国)葡萄酒. 美国葡萄酒被包括在内,以表明正在生产有趣的葡萄酒, 但预计他们的排名不会超过法国同行. 没有人能预料到这一事件会彻底改变葡萄酒世界.


史蒂文·斯珀, 他是一位英国出生的葡萄酒专家,在巴黎经营着一家高档葡萄酒商店, 是品酒会的幕后主使吗. 他是法国葡萄酒的冠军, 并决定在巴黎洲际酒店举行盲品会.


经过原来的商店闲逛, 德拉玛德琳洞穴, 斯普里尔宣布他想买下它. The owner Madame Fougère was hesitant to sell to an Englishman since the shop had been important to her late husband, 于是他们达成了一项协议. Before she would sell, Spurrier spent six months working there without pay to prove his commitment!


Spurrier decided to start a wine school for American and British expats living in Paris. 还有Jon Winroth, 《ag体育正规》的葡萄酒作家, 两人打开了学院的大门, 英语葡萄酒学校. 生意很好, 所以美国自由作家帕特里夏·加拉格尔也开始为学校工作.


Patricia Gallagher told 史蒂文·斯珀 about the upcoming celebrations to celebrate the bicentennial of American independence. They thought it would be fun to run a blind tasting that included a few American wines to coincide with the United States’ celebrations. 他们大多希望这会引起人们对他的商店的注意, but were also excited to show that interesting things were happening in American winemaking.


尽管他尝过一些在巴黎可以买到的美国葡萄酒, 斯普里尔没有机会喝到加州出产的最好的葡萄酒. Patricia Gallagher visited the area and brought back a few samples of 纳帕 Valley wines with her.


Spurrier visited California wineries in March of 1976 to find the wines to include in the Paris Tasting. He didn’t tell the wineries that he was planning to hold a blind tasting with the wines; he just visited the wineries and made some purchases. 他挑选了六款霞多丽和六款赤霞珠.


每款酒各买两瓶进行盲品, 斯普里尔在这次旅行中买了24瓶加州葡萄酒, 太多了,不能作为行李带回家. As a favor, the wines were actually brought to Paris as the luggage of a visiting tour group.


史蒂文·斯珀和Patricia Gallagher对葡萄酒进行了评级, 与法国葡萄酒专家并肩作战, 但斯普瑞尔和加拉格尔的分数没有包括在结果中.


评委们被要求给他们的葡萄酒打分,满分为20分, 然而,对于如何给葡萄酒分级,并没有提供具体的框架. 评委们根据自己的标准打分.


标签被盖住了, 所以评委们不知道他们品尝的是哪种酒, 或者他们是法国人还是美国人.


白葡萄酒包括1973年的默索魅力, 1973年的博恩·克洛斯·德·穆奇, 一瓶1973年的蒙拉榭红葡萄酒, 还有1972年的普利尼-蒙拉榭酒. 红葡萄酒包括1970年的木桐-罗斯柴尔德酒庄, 1970年的ch teau Haut Brion, 一瓶1970年产自圣埃斯蒂的蒙特罗斯红葡萄酒, 1971年圣于连的chalteau lsamoville - las - cases.


尽管这让评委们感到震惊, 纳帕 Valley wines outranked the French wines in both the red and white wine categories.


蒙特莱纳酒庄出产的1973年产霞多丽在白葡萄酒比赛中获得第一名. 这只是该酒庄生产的第二个年份的葡萄酒. Visit the winery’s open house to be held on the 40th Anniversary of the tasting, May 24th, 2016.


作为一个新的酿酒厂, Chateau Montelena was in the process of growing new vines that wouldn’t produce harvestable fruit for several more years. They bought the grapes that would make their award-winning Chardonnay from grape growers John Hanna, 李Paschich, 和亨利·迪克. 这些葡萄大部分都是在索诺玛县种植的, 尽管这款酒是在卡利斯托加的蒙特莱纳酒庄酿造的.


当蒙特莱纳酒庄宣布推出他们的1973年霞多丽时, 酿酒厂老板吉姆·巴雷特(Jim Barrett)推荐6美元的葡萄酒.每瓶零售价50美元.


Stag’s Leap 酒 Cellars’ 1973 Cabernet Sauvignon won first place in the red wine competition. 沃伦·维尼亚斯基(Warren Winiarski)是酿酒师.


鹿跃酒窖生产1,800瓶获奖红酒, 是沃伦·维尼亚斯基装的吗, 在他妻子和三个孩子的帮助下.

19) The winning Cabernet Sauvignon was offered at an even lower price than the winning Chardonnay.

当雄鹿跳跃酒窖第一次开始销售他们的1973年赤霞珠时, Winiarski认为这瓶酒的售价应该在6美元左右. 餐馆和零售商以每箱48美元的价格出售12瓶.


结果报告后, 参与的加州酒庄看到了极大的兴趣增长.


尽管史蒂文·斯普里尔邀请了许多记者参加这次活动,乔治·M. 《ag体育正规》杂志的泰伯是唯一出席的人.


记者乔治·塔伯后来在他的书中记录了这个故事, 《巴黎的审判,” in 2005, 以"澄清事实"为目标.


Only four paragraphs were originally published in Time Magazine about this event that ushered in a new era of wine. 法国媒体对这一事件发表了不屑一顾的评论.

24) Grgich Hills Estates的历史可以追溯到品酒.

酒ry founder Miljenko “Mike” Grgich was the winemaker for Chateau Montelena in 1973. 1977年,他与奥斯汀·希尔斯(Austin Hills)合作创建了家族经营的Grgich Hills. 读一下格里奇对他生活中的事件的看法, 包括参加巴黎品酒会, 在他的自传中, 《充满奇迹的杯子.”

沃伦·维尼亚斯基(Warren Winiarski)在红酒冠军的后面.

He was the winemaker of the 1973 Stag’s Leap Cabernet Sauvignon that placed first in the red wine competition.

26) The French Judges didn’t think the California wines would stand the test of time.

听完结果后, 法国评委认为,如果这些葡萄酒在30年后重新品尝, 加州的葡萄酒就不能喝了. 2006年5月24日,在纳帕和伦敦同时举行了品酒会. 重演证明了加州的葡萄酒经受住了时间的考验.

27) Ridge Vineyards was entered in the red wine competition, and has only gotten better with time.

山脊葡萄园1971年的蒙特贝罗赤霞珠, 来自圣克鲁斯山脉AVA, 在红酒比赛中获得第五名. In the 2006 30th Anniversary re-tastings held in 纳帕 and London, the wine was ranked number one.

28) Heitz 1970 single-vineyard Martha’s Vineyard Cabernet was entered in the red wine competition.

海茨的1970年玛莎葡萄园赤霞珠进入品酒. 1966年,乔·海茨酿造了第一批葡萄酒, 他加入了一个当时还不常见的葡萄园名称. 他将这一概念引入ag体育正规葡萄酒.

Clos Du Val的第一个年份的红葡萄酒参加了巴黎品酒会.

Clos du Val’s 1972 Cabernet Sauvignon was one of the six California Cabernet Sauvignon selected for inclusion in the original tasting. 这只是酿酒厂第一次生产的葡萄酒! Ten years later, it placed first in the red wine tasting during the 10th anniversary rematch.


马亚卡玛斯葡萄园1971年的赤霞珠也参加了巴黎的品酒会, 尽管店主罗伯特·特拉弗斯认为这款酒还不能饮用, 因为当时它还没有正式发布. 令人惊讶的是,它在比赛中获得了第二名.

31) Freemark Abbey was the only California winery with two wines that were included in the Paris Tasting.

Freemark Abbey had wines entered in both categories—the 1969 Freemark Abbey Cabernet Sauvignon in the red wine tasting, 以及1972年的霞多丽白葡萄酒品鉴会.

夏朗葡萄园在白葡萄酒比赛中给评委留下了深刻的印象, 还有其他著名的品酒师.

夏龙葡萄园1974年的霞多丽, 蒙特雷县查龙AVA的人, 在巴黎品酒会上排名第三. 20个月后, it placed first in the white wine competition held at the San Francisco 酒 Tasting. 茱莉亚·查尔德主厨参观查龙葡萄园时, 据报道,她说他们创造了她喜欢的第一款非法国葡萄酒!


Spring Mountain Vineyard’s 1973 Chardonnay placed fourth among the American and French white wines at the competition.

34) Veedercrest Vineyards first commercial vintage of Chardonnay was included in the white wine tasting.

Although their 1972 Chardonnay was the first official vintage from Veedercrest Vineyards, 酿酒师艾尔·巴克斯特已经是一个充满激情的家庭酿酒师了. 兴趣广泛的人, he got into commercial winemaking after studying and teaching philosophy at UC Berkeley.

大卫·布鲁斯酒庄参加了白葡萄酒品鉴会, 但却以他们的红酒而闻名.

David Bruce 酒ry’s namesake winemaker actually worked as both a dermatologist and winemaker. 他的1973年的霞多丽酒被列入霞多丽品鉴, 但如今,这家酒庄以其令人难以置信的黑皮诺而闻名.


Winning the Paris tasting resulted in the placement of the 1973 Stag’s Leap Cabernet Sauvignon and 1973 Chateau Montelena Chardonnay at the Smithsonian Museum.


Numerous commemorative tastings have taken place since the original competition in 1976. A San Francisco 酒 Tasting was held just 20 months after the original event, in 1978. 官方的品酒会也会在10周年和30周年举行.


电影《瓶震》的灵感来自巴黎审判事件, 虽然大部分故事都是虚构的.


A new film inspired by George Taber’s “Judgment of Paris” book is currently being produced.


在巴黎品酒会之前,ag体育正规大约有67家酒庄. 如今,这一数字已超过400. 巴黎的判决永远地改变了加州的葡萄酒贸易.



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